Monday 25 February 2019

Top 20 Zindagi Status in Hindi 2019 {Fresh Quotes & New Status}

Zindagi Status in Hindi 2019, get some of the best status and quotes for you. Which you can get for free from here. It's updated and fresh. Don't forget to share it with your friends and family!

Zindagi Status in Hindi 2019

Zindagi Status in Hindi 2019

देख ज़िन्दगी तू हमे रुलाना छोड़ दे,
अगर हम खफा हूऐ तो तूझे छोड़ देंगे।

किसी ने मुझसे कहा,
कि तुम इतने खुश कैसे रह लेते हो?
तो मैंने कहा कि मैंने जिंदगी की गाड़ी से
वो साइड ग्लास ही हटा दिये
जिसमेँ पीछे छूटते रास्ते और
बुराई करते लोग नजर आते थे।

बढती उम्र में इश्क हो तो अचरज नहीं साहिब,
ये जिंदगी फिर से मुस्कुराने की जिद में है।

कुछ दबी हुई आहटें हैं, कुछ मंद मुस्कुराहटे,
कुछ खोये हुये सपने हैं, कुछ अनसुनी आहटे।

कुछ दर्द भरे लम्हे हैं, कुछ सुकून भरे लम्हात,
कुछ थमें हुये तूफां हैं, कुछ मध्यम सी बरसात।

कुछ अनकहे अल्फ़ाज हैं, कुछ ना समझ इशारे,
कुछ उलझने हैं राहो में, कुछ कोशिशे बेहिसाब।

ज़िन्दगी कांटो का सफ़र है,
हौसला इसकी पहचान है,
रास्ते पर तो सभी चलते हैं,
जो रास्ते बनाये वही तो इंसान है।

ज़िन्दगी का अपना रंग है:-
दुःख वाली रात सोया नही जाता,
और ख़ुशी वाली रात सोने नहीं देती।

उदासियों की वजह तो बहुत है जिंदगी में,
पर बे-वजह खुश रहने का मज़ा ही कुछ और है।
इसलिए खुश रहो।

जो उड़ते हैं अहम के आसमानों में,
ज़मीन पर आने में वक़्त नहीं लगता,
हर तरह का वक़्त आता है ज़िंदगी में,
वक़्त के गुज़रने में वक़्त नहीं लगता।

जिंदगी अगर अपने हिसाब से जीनी हैं,
तो कभी किसी के फैन मत बनो।

कदर करना सीख लो,
न जिंदगी बापस आती है, ना लोग।

हर एक चेहरे को ज़ख्मो का आइना न कहो,
ये ज़िन्दगी तो एक रहमत है इसे सजा न कहो,
न जाने कौन सी न्मज्बूरियों का कैदी हो,
वो साथ छोड़ जाए तो बेवफा न कहो।

जिंदगी कब और कैसे बदल रही है,
सब समझ आ रहा है,
पर न कुछ कर पा रहा हूँ,
और न ही कुछ कह पा रहा हूँ।

यूँ तो ए ज़िन्दगी तेरे सफर से शिकायते बहुत थी,
मगर दर्द जब दर्ज कराने पहुँचे तो कतारे बहुत थी।

हम जिंदगी में ज़रा मशरूफ क्या हुए,
लोगो ने तो दिलो से निकाल दिया!

ऐ जिंदगी ख़त्म कर अब ये तमाशा,
मैं थक गया हूँ दिल को तसल्लियाँ देते देते।

बदल जाती है ज़िन्दगी की सच्चाई ऊस वक़्त,
जब कोई तुम्हारा तुम्हारे सामने तुम्हारा नहीं होता।

ज़िंदगी जीने का मकसद ख़ास होना चाहिए,
और अपने आप में हमेशा विश्वास होना चाहिए,
ज़िंदगी में खुशियों की कमी नहीं है दोस्तो,
बस खुशियों को मनाने का अंदाज़ होना चाहिए।

यह ज़िन्दगी बस सिर्फ पल दो पल है,
जिसमें न तो आज और न ही कल है,
जी लो इस ज़िंदगी का हर पल इस तरह,
जैसे बस यही ज़िन्दगी का सबसे हसीं पल है।

ज़िन्दगी से आप जो भी...
बेहतर से बेहतर ले सकते हो ले लो,
क्यूंकि जब ज़िन्दगी लेने पर आती है,
तो साँसे तक भी ले जाती है।

देखो तो ख्वाब है ज़िन्दगी,
पढ़ो तो किताब है ज़िन्दगी,
सुनो तो ज्ञान है ज़िन्दगी,
पर हमें लगता है कि
हँसते रहो तो आसान है ज़िन्दगी।

ज़िन्दगी एक पल है
जिसमे ना आज है ना कल है,
जी लो इसको इस तरह कि
जो भी आपसे मिले वो यही कहे,
बस यही मेरी ज़िंदगी का हसीन पल है।

19. जिंदगी में अफसोस करना छोड़ दो, और कुछ एसा करो जिससे आपको चाहने वाले अफसोस करे..!

20. अगर हारने से डर लगता है तो जितने की इच्छा कभी मत रखना, अगर जिंदगी में कुछ पाना हो तो तरीके बदलो ईरादे नही।

Related Tags: Zindagi Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Yaad Status in Hindi 2019 {Some of the Fresh Status}

Yaad Status in Hindi 2019, get some of the best yaad statuses in a hindi language with Hindi fonts for you guys, we have updated our list. It's an extremely unique and fresh collection. Do share it!

Yaad Status in Hindi 2019

Yaad Status in Hindi 2019

कहीं यादों का मुकाबला हो तो बताना, ऐ दोस्त,
हमारे पास भी किसी की यादें बेहिसाब होती जा रही हैं।

हमारे पास तो सिर्फ तेरी यादे हैं,
ज़िन्दगी तो उसे मुबारक हो, जिसके पास तू है।

जब याद आती है आपकी मुस्कुरा लेते हैं,
कुछ पल गम के हम यूँ ही भुला देते हैं,
कैसे भीग सकती हैं आपकी आँखें ऐ सनम,
आप के हिस्से के आँसू तो हम बहा लेते हैं।

मेरी यादों की कश्ती उस समंदर में तैरती हैं,
जिस में पानी मेरी अपनी पलकों का ही होता है।

तेरी याद बिलकुल मेरे परफ्यूम की तरह है,
कमबख्त जब भी आती है जिंदगी महका जाती है।

सोचा था हर मोड़ पर याद करेंगे उन को,
पर कमबख्त पूरी सड़क ही सीधी निकली।

बन्द कर दिए हैं हमने तो दरवाजे इश्क के,
पर तेरी यादें तो दरारों से भी चली आयी।

इश्क ने हमें रोने भी न दिया,
गम ने हमें हसने भी न दिया,
रूठ के जब याद आयी आपकी तो,
नींद ने हमें सोने भी न दिया।

अब कौन से मौसम से कोई आस लगाये ऐ दोस्त,
जो बरसात के मौसम में भी याद ना उनको आये।

मेरे दिल में आप हो और कोई खास कैसे होगा,
मेरी यादों में आपके सिवा कोई पास कैसे होगा,
मेरी हिचकियाँ कहती हैं आप हमे याद करते हो,
पर आप बोलेंगे नहीं तो हमें एहसास कैसे होगा।

एक अजीब सी जंग छिड़ी है तेरी यादो को लेकर,
आँखे कहती हैं सोने दे, दिल कहता है रोने दे।

कभी टूटा नहीं मेरे दिल से तेरी यादों का रिश्ता,
गुफ़्तगू किसी से भी हो ख़याल तेरा ही रहता है।

मेरी आँखों में देख आ कर हसरतों के नक्श,
ख़्वाबों में भी, तेरे मिलने की फ़रियाद करते।

मैंने रंग दिया है हर पन्ना तेरी याद से,
मेरी किताबों से पूछ इश्क किसे कहते हैं।

मोहब्बत मुझे थी उसी से सनम।
यादों में उसकी यह दिल तड़पता रहा।
मौत भी मेरी चाहत को रोक न सकी।
कब्र में भी यह दिल धड़कता रहा।

आप को भूल जाऊं यह नामुमकिन सी बात है,
आप को न हो यकीन यह और बात है,
जब तक रहेगी साँस तब तक आप रहोगे याद,
टूट जाये यह साँस तो यह और बात है।

आईने में भी खुद को झांक कर देखा,
खुद को भी हमने तन्हा करके देखा,
पता चल गया कितनी मोहब्बत है आपसे,
जब तेरी याद को दिल से जुदा करके देखा।

कुछ पल जी लो, शायद हम फ़िर ना मिलें,
याद कर लो शायद फ़िर वक़्त ना मिले,
चले जाएंगे ज़िंदगी से इतनी दूर, कि
हकीकत में तो क्या फ़िर सपनें में भी ना मिलें।

तेरी यादों के बिना ज़िंदगी अधूरी है,
तू मिल जाये तो मानो ज़िन्दगी पूरी है,
तेरे साथ जुड़ी हैं अब मेरी हर ख़ुशी,
बाकी सब के साथ हँसना तो बस मजबूरी है।

सभी नगमे साज़ में गाए नहीं जाते,
सभी लोग महफ़िल में बुलाए नहीं जाते,
कुछ पास रहकर भी याद नहीं आते,
कुछ दूर रहकर भी भुलाए नहीं जाते।

तेरी याद मुझे क्यों तन्हा कर जाती है,
पल पल टूटने के लिए मजबूर कर जाती है।

रोता हूँ बहुत मैं तो गिड़गिड़ाता भी हूँ,
अपने झख्मो पर मरहम लगता भी हूँ।

फिर भी क्यों ये एहसास बार बार दे जाती है,
तेरी याद मुझे क्यों तन्हा कर जाती है।

तुम ने किया न याद कभी भूल कर हमें,
हम ने तुम्हारी याद में सब कुछ भुला दिया ..

Related Tags: Yaad Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Xmas Status in Hindi 2019 {with Pure Hindi Fonts!}

Xmas Status in Hindi 2019, in case, if you need some of the fresh collection on the Christmas festival. Don't forget to share it with your friends. It's one of the best collection ever!

Xmas Status in Hindi 2019

Xmas Status in Hindi 2019

क्रिसमस प्यार है, क्रिसमस ख़ुशी है,
क्रिसमस उत्साह है, क्रिसमस नया उमंग है,
आप सभी को क्रिसमस 2018 की शुभकामनायें

क्रिसमस 2018 आये बनके उजाला,
खुल जाए किस्मत का ताला हमेशा,
आप पर रहे मेहरबान ऊपर वाला ,
यही दुआ करते हैं आपका यह चाहने वाला!

आपकी आँखों में सजे हों जो भी सपने,
दिल में छुपी हो जो भी अभिलाषाएं,
ये क्रिसमस का पर्व उन्हें सच कर जाये,
क्रिसमस पर, आपके लिए है हमारी यही शुभकानाएं!

 प्रभु इशु का पवित्र पर्व,
क्रिसमस की आप सभी को बधाई,
परमेश्वर के पवित्र मार्ग का,
अनुशरण करें वो सदैव साथ हैं,
अपने बन्दों के सर पर उसका हमेशा हाथ है,
क्रिसमस की बधाई 2018

सबके दिलों में हो सके लिए प्यार,
आने वाला हर दिन लाये खुशियों का त्यौहार,
इस उम्मीद के साथ आओ भूल के सारे गम,
क्रिसमस में हम सब करें Welcome

दोस्तों से हर लम्हे में क्रिसमस है,
दोस्ती की ये दुनिया दीवानी है,
दोस्तों के बिना जिंदगी बेकार है,
दोस्तों से ही तो जिंदगी में बहार है,
Merry Christmas 2018

चाँद ने अपनी चांदनी बिखेरी है,
और तारों ने आस्मां को सजाया है,
लेकर तौफा अमन और प्यार का,
देखो स्वर्ग से कोई फ़रिश्ता आया है,
Merry X Mas 2018

बच्चों का दिन तौफों का दिन,
सांता आएगा कुछ तुम्हे दे कर जायेगा,
भूल ना जाना उसे शुक्रिया कहना,
आप सभी को क्रिसमस की शुभकामना !

लो आ गया जिसका था इंतज़ार,
सब मिल कर बोलो मेरे यार,
दिसम्बर में लाया क्रिसमस बहार,
मुबारक हो तुमको क्रिसमस मेरे यार!
Merry Christmas 2018 Message

ना कार्ड भेज रहा हूँ,
ना कोई फूल भेज रहा हूँ,
सिर्फ सच्चे दिल से मैं आपको,
क्रिसमस और नव वर्ष की,
शुभकामनाएं भेज रहा हूँ
Merry Christmas SMS 2018

रब ऐसी क्रिसमस बार-बार लाये,
क्रिसमस पार्टी में चार चाँद लग जाये,
सांता क्लॉज़ से हर दिन मिलवायें,
और हर दिन आप नए-नए तौफे पायें!
हैप्पी क्रिसमस 2018

क्रिसमस का यह प्यारा त्यौहार जीवन में,
लाये खुशियाँ अपार, Santa Clause आये आपके द्वार,
शुभकामना हमारी करें स्वीकार! ,
मेरी क्रिसमस 2018

देवदूत बनके कोई आएगा,
सारी आशाएं तुम्हारी, पूरी करके जायेगे,
क्रिसमस के इस शुभ दिन पर,
तौफे खुशियों के दे जायेगा!
Merry Christmas to All 2018

इस क्रिसमस आपका जीवन क्रिसमस ट्री की तरह,
हरा भरा और भविष्य तारों की तरह चमचमाता रहे! Happy Christmas 2018

खुदा से क्या मांगू तुम्हारे वास्ते,
सदा खुशियाँ हो तुम्हारे रास्ते,
हंसी तुम्हारे चेहरे पर रहे कुछ इस तरह,
खुशबू फूल का साथ निभाए जिस तरह ! क्रिसमस की बधाईयाँ 2018

क्रिसमस का उमंग और उत्साह,
हमेशा आपके जीवन को,
खुशियों से सराबोर रखे ! Merry Christmas 2018

क्रिसमस का उमंग और उत्साह
हमेशा आपके जीवन को
खुशियों से सराबोर रखे
मेरी क्रिसमस

बच्चों का दिन तौफों का दिन
सांता आएगा कुछ तुम्हे दे कर जायेगा
भूल ना जाना उसे शुक्रिया कहना
आप सभी को क्रिसमस की शुभकामना

खुदा से क्या मांगू तुम्हारे वास्ते
सदा खुशियाँ हो तुम्हारे रास्ते
हंसी तुम्हारे चेहरे पर रहे कुछ इस तरह
खुशबू फूल का साथ निभाए जिस तरह
आप सभी को क्रिसमस की बधाईयाँ

देवदूत बनके कोई आएगा
सारी आशाएं तुम्हारी पूरी करके जाएगा
क्रिसमस के इस शुभ दिन पर
तौफे खुशियों के दे जायेगा
Merry Christmas to All

Related Tags: Xmas Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Waiting Status in Hindi 2019 {Fresh Status, Unique Status}

Waiting Status in Hindi 2019, if you are looking for some of the best waiting statuses in Hindi with the Hindi language. These are the extremely amazing status for you. Don't forget to share it with your friends.

Waiting Status in Hindi 2019

Waiting Status in Hindi 2019

1. Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.

2. Every minute feels like an hour, every hour feels like a day, every day feels like forever, but I will wait forever and a day for you.

3. It’s hard to wait around for something you know might never happen’; but it’s even harder to give up when you think it’s everything you want.

4. Maybe one day, I’ll be what you need. But don’t wait too long…because the day you want me, maybe the day I’ve finally given up.

5. Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful.

It hurts when someone asked how much time you will wait for her.
I cried and said till my last breath I will wait for her. :'(
Come back into my life.

7. You can't force someone to care, you can only sit and wait till everything catches up to them and when it finally does maybe then they’ll realize what they lost.

8. It is very strange that the years teach us patience – that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.

9. After you find out all the things that can go wrong, your life becomes less about living and more about waiting.

10. God’s answer is no, yes, and wait. God has a purpose for his answers because he has a better plan for you.

11. I just want to hold him, want to kiss him, want to love him, but I’m just tired of waiting for something that may never happen.

12. Never rush in love for it never runs out. Let love be the one to knock on your door so that by the time you start to feel, you'll know it's real.

13. Never rush into a relationship. True love is bound to reveal itself sooner or later.   

14. If we're waiting for the most convenient time to say I LOVE YOU, we may never find one.   

15. I've learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you're with me, even when you're not by my side.

16. For a while" is a phrase whose length can't be measured. At least by the person who's waiting.

17. Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.

18. Love is everything it's cracked up to be It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.

19. We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

20. I have died every day waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you a thousand more.

Related Tags: Waiting Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Vacation Status in Hindi 2019 {Fresh Status, Unique Status}

Vacation Status in Hindi 2019. if you want to get some of the coolest vacation statuses for your facebook or twitter account then you are at the correct page. Don't forget to share it!

Vacation Status in Hindi 2019

Vacation Status in Hindi 2019

1. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

2. “Everything you do is based on the choices you make” – Wayne Dyer

3. “Travel like Gandhi, with simple clothes, open eyes, and an uncluttered mind.” – Rick Steve

4. “The World is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine

5. A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. – Robert Orben

6.  I love being on vacation and never knowing what day of the week it is.

7. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

8. “Wake up and be awesome!” – Code Hostel Edinburgh, the 5 Star Hostel in Edinburgh.

9. Better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times.

10. “There should be sympathy cards for having to go back to work after vacation.” — Anonymous

11. “A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu

12. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” –Mark Twain

13. “I want/ I love/ I do/ I can is the best way to build your phrases, your days, and all your life!”

14. “Traveling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, ‘I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station.'" — Lisa St. Aubin de Teran

15. “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” – Paul Brandt

16. “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling”. – Margaret Lee Runbeck

17. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” –Wayne Gretzky

18. Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love, never return

19. “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux

20. When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.

Related Tags: Vacation Status in Hindi 2019

Sunday 24 February 2019

Top 20 Ugadi Status in Hindi 2019 {Some of the Best Quotes}

Ugadi Status in Hindi 2019, if you need some of the best and fresh status for your blog on the Ugadi then you at the correct page, as we have created a fresh list for you, which you can share!

Ugadi Status in Hindi 2019

Ugadi Status in Hindi 2019

May this Ugadi bring you a new spirit
A new beginning and new prosperity
Wishing you happy Ugadi.

2. May God Bless you with Peace and Good Luck and Success this Ugadi and all through the year.

Memories of moments celebrated together,
Moments that have been attached in my heart, forever.
Make me Miss You, even more, this Ugadi.
Hope this Ugadi brings in Good Fortune & Abounding Happiness for you!

Happy Ugadi to all my friends. Ugadi is the New Year’s Day for the people of Andhra Pradesh and also for the Telugu people all over the on that Day enjoy with your friends, once again. I wish you Happy UGADI!

May the festival of lights be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Ugadi is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love, here’s hoping this festival of beauty brings your way, bright sparkles of contentment, that stay with you through the days ahead.
Best wishes on Ugadi and New year.

Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy.
Good Wishes for a joyous Ugadi and a Happy New Year with a plenty of Peace and Prosperity.

Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let's keep it up.
Best Wishes for Ugadi

Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let's keep it up.
Best Wishes for Ugadi

9. Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let's keep it up. Best Wishes for Ugadi!

10. Tipi chedu kalisindey jeevitham, kastam sukham thelisindey jeevitham, mana jeevitham lo anandam uthsaham nimpadaniki vasthundi UGADI parvadinam! Miku UGADI subhakankshau.

11. Madhuramaina Prati Kshanam, Nilusthundi Jeevthantham, Rabotunna Kotha Samstram, alanti kshanalenno anandinchalani asisthunnanu. Nuthana Samstra Subhakankshalu.

Happy Ugadi!!!
“U” thsavam
“G” owravam
“A” anandam
“D” hanam
“I” shwaryam

13. This Ugadi, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganeshji’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his ladoos and may your trouble be as small as his mouse. Happy Ugadi!

14. May the festival of lights be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Ugadi is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love, here’s hoping this festival of beauty brings your way, bright sparkles of contentment, that stay with you through the days ahead. Best wishes on Ugadi

15. May this Ugadi bring in you the brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever wished for May this Ugadi bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity. May light triumph over darkness. May peace transcend the earth. Happy Ugadi 2018

16. The raw mangoes, neem, and jaggery represent the sweet, sour and bitter flavors of life. May the flavors of Ugadi fill your life in the coming year. Happy Ugadi!

17. Let us welcome this Ugadi with great hope, eagerness, and anticipation. Let us look forward to a plentiful year of joy, satisfaction, peace, and prosperity.

18. On this Ugadi, let the bitter taste of neem remind us of the struggles in life and the sweet taste of jaggery the progress that results from the struggle.

19. Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let's keep it up.

20. Welcome the New Year with complete anticipation, hope and eagerness.
Look forward to a bountiful year of prosperity, satisfaction, and peace.
Have a triumphal Ugadi!

Related Tags: Ugadi Status in Hindi

Top 20 Queen Status in Hindi 2019 {Fresh Status for Social Media}

Queen Status in Hindi 2019, if you need some of the king and queen status for your social media account, as well as for Instagram caption. Here is the list of the same. Do share it with friends!

Queen Status in Hindi 2019

Queen Status in Hindi 2019

1. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. – Oprah Winfrey

2. The Queen is by much the most powerful of the forces. – Howard Staunton

3. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen. – Sheila Jackson Lee

4. Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling. – Roman Payne

5. Every woman is a queen, and we all have different things to offer. – Queen Latifah

6. To be a queen of a household is a powerful thing. – Jill Scott

7. When the Queen says ‘well done,’ it means so much. – Prince William

8. I’d like to be a queen in people’s hearts but I don’t see myself being queen of this country. – Princess Diana

9. Like all best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements. – Queen Elizabeth II

10. The Queen is the only person who can put on a tiara with one hand, while walking downstairs. – Princess Margaret

11. A Queen knows how to build her empire with the same stones that were thrown at her.

12. "I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear" — Freddie Mercury

"I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self-satisfied I don't need you
I've got to break free
God knows God knows I want to break free" — Queen

14. "We're a very expensive group; we break a lot of rules, It's unheard of to combine opera with a rock theme, my dear" — Freddie Mercury

"I dreamed I saw on a moonlit stair
Spreading his hands on the multitude there
A man who cried for a love gone stale
And ice cold hearts of charity bare
I watched as fear took the old men's gaze
Hopes of the young in troubled graves
I see no day, I heard him say
So grey is the face of every mortal" — Queen

16. "I am a romantic, but I do put up a barrier around myself, so it is hard for people to get in and to know the real me" — Freddie Mercury

It started off so well
They said we made a perfect pair
I clothed myself in your glory and your love
How I loved you
How I cried — Queen

"But touch my tears, with your lips
Touch my world, with your fingertips.
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today" — Queen

"But touch my tears, with your lips
Touch my world, with your fingertips.
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today" — Queen

20. The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course" — Freddie Mercury

Related Tags: Queen Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Onam Status in Hindi 2019 {Get the best wishes on your wall}

Onam Status in Hindi 2019, we have suggested some of the best wishes around the internet for you. Each and every status is unique and fresh. We hope you liked it and don't forget to share it!

Onam Status in Hindi 2019

Onam Status in Hindi 2019

1. Forever remembering thoughts of happiness & prosperity with all sweet onam day.

2. Wishes for a delicious Onam for u, all your friends and family members.

3. Wishing amma achan & raj a very Happy & Prosperous Onam. I hope next year we will all get together for more Onam.

4. My heartfelt Onam wishes for you. May all your dreams come true this Onam. Have a nice and prosperous Onam.

5. The Onam Celebration is an occasion for people to remind themselves of the all-pervasive nature of the divine. I wish all your family members and especially you, A Happy Onam & Tiruonam!

6. May God bless you and fill your heart with joy & happiness. May the color and lights of Onam fill your home with happiness and joy. Have the most beautiful Onam.

7. Wish you and your family a happy and prosperous Onam. May this year’s Onam brings you a lot of happiness and prosperity.

8. Forever remembering thoughts of happiness & prosperity with all sweet onam days. To all Keralites wishing you a Happy Onam Day.

9. May the spirit of Onam remains everywhere Whatever you do, Whatever you think Whatever you hope in your life “Wish you a Happy Onam”

10. The Onam celebration is an occasion for people to remind themselves of the all-pervasive nature of the Divine.” Wishing all Family members & dear ones a Happy Onam! May you all have a Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous Year ahead.

11. May this be the Onam with happiness and prosperity. Let this be celebrated by every Malayali, whoever may be and where ever they may be. My Onam wishes to all.

12. May this ONAM brings in U the brightest and choicest happiness & prosperous U have ever wished for! May God bless U & Family and fill your heart with Joyful & Colorful Moments…

13. May the spirit of Onam remains everywhere Whatever you do Whatever you think Whatever you hope in your life “Wish you a Happy Onam”

14. Wish you all a very happy, prosperous, colorful, healthy, wealthy and funfilled Onam! Let this season brings you all lot of good luck, peace of mind, happiness and all that you wish! Lots of Love, Hugs n Kisses.

15. Keraliya thanima thottunarthunna, malayalikalude hrudayathe pookkalam kondu theerkkunna, naavil ruchiyeriya vibhvangalumayi ee ponnonathe varavelkaam. Happy Onam.

16. May God bless you and fill your heart with joy & happiness. May the color and lights of Onam fill your home with happiness and joy. Have the most beautiful Onam.

17. Forever remembering thoughts of happiness & prosperity to all with sweet onam days. To all Keralites wishing you a Happy Onam Day.

18. Aishwaryavum, Samriddiyum Niranja nalla nalukal ennum undavatte oppam manassil snehathinte oru onam. HAPPY ONAM!

19. It’s Onam! To celebrate the spirit of the harvest festival in all its splendor. Decorate your house with Pookalams, listen to the melodious Onappattus and enjoy the festivities.

20. May the color and lights of Onam fill your home with happiness and joy. My heartiest wishes to you and your family on the eve of Onam.

Related Tags: Onam Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Knowledge Status in Hindi 2019 {Amazing Sharable Status Quotes}

Knowledge Status in Hindi 2019: got all the latest and fresh knowledge quotes and status for your social media profile, which you can share with your friends by posting them.

Knowledge Status in Hindi 2019

Knowledge Status in Hindi 2019

1. Knowledge Is Power

2. Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.

3. Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge

4. Today knowledge is power, it controls access to opportunity and advancement.

5. The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable.

6. Knowledge is the beginning of practice; doing is the completion of knowing.

7. The more knowledge you have, the more you are free to rely on your instincts.

8. Knowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.

9. Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.

10. The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.

11. The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.

12. Knowledge is of power only if a man knows what facts not to bother with.

13. Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.

14. Knowledge will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.

15. Knowledge is a weapon. Arm yourself well before going to do battle.

16. A man with a lot of knowledge and no character is a dangerous man.

17. Knowledge is everywhere. Don’t ignore it, by your interest or ego.

18. Knowledge from diet books comes, but weight loss wisdom lingers.

19. Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container.

20. Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.

Related Tags: Knowledge Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Jaat Status in Hindi 2019 (with Hindi Fonts + Extremely Awesome!)

Top 20 Jaat Status in Hindi 2019: we have collected some of the best jaat statuses in the Hindi language with Hindi fonts for you guys, I hope you liked it and enjoy the same. Don't forget to share it!

Top 20 Jaat Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Jaat Status in Hindi 2019

1. तनै तो फुक मार मार क नरे लिफाफे पाड़ै स, कालजा पाड़णा तो तनै जाट ए बतावैंगे।

2. घना बदल गया तेरे जांण क बाद, पर तनै याद करण की बाण तो नु की नु स…… सैड जाट!

3. र बावले, हाम जाट उन हालाता म जिया करा, जित लोग दम तोड़ दिया करै।

4. बैरण बोली र जाट तू इतना स्वीट कुकर स, मखा मेरी माँ न होंदे ए मैं चासनी म गेर दिया था।

5. बार बार इगनोर करै तू इतने भाव क्यातै खा बैठी, यारा का भी सिस्टम ओके स तू इस जाट न कटी देशी ल्या बैठी।

6. ज़िन्दगी वा ए स जो होक्का पिया करै, बाकी सब क तो बहम स।
#होक्का जाट का

7. वा गैल होंदी तो के बेरा सुधर जांदे पर उसने धोखा देके यो जाट और बिगाड़ दिया।

8. तू करगी रोहतक त, मनै मिला ना कदे मौका। … तू पास होगी फर्स्ट डिवीज़न त र, हाम पिन्दे रहे होक्का।

9. हाम जाटा का जिण का तरीका ए अलग है, हाम उम्मीद प नी ज़िद प जीया करा।

10. जंगल म छाती चौड़ी करकै शेर चाल्या करै अर  हरियाणा में छाती चौड़ी करकै जाट चाल्या करै।

11. पानी अपनी मर्यादा तोड़ै तो विनाश अर जाट अपनी मर्यादा तोड़ै तो सर्वनाश!

12. जाटा की ताकत का अंदाज़ा जोर त नी, दुश्मना का शोर त ए बेरा लाग ज्याया करै।

13. जब जंगल म शेर चैन की नींद सोया करै तो कुत्ता न ग़लतफ़हमी होजा करै के इब म्हारा ए राज़ है।

14. तू मेरी ज़िन्दगी म आई है तो ख्याल राखिए। ….. तेरे खातर जान दे सकूं हूँ पर तने जान नी दूंगा।

15. जाट का तेवर नाप सके इसा तेरी औकात के थर्मामीटर में डिग्री ए कोन्या।

16. र बावली गाजर का हलवा अर जाट का जलवा दोनों ए होश उड़ा दिया करै!

17. जाट जिसे दोस्त नी अर दोस्ती में धोखा देन आला खातर जाट त बड़ी दुश्मनी नी!

18. अप्रैल का #घाम अर #JAT का नाम…….. लोगां न #जलाण खातर भोत स।

19. #औकात की बात ना करै #लाडले……. लोग तेरी #बंदूक त घने इस #JAT की आंख्यां त डरे स।

20. वो JAT ए कै… जिसकी जिंदगी म ठाठ नी, अर वा छोरी ए कै …….जिसकी जिंदगी म #जाट नी।

Related Tags: Jaat Status in Hindi

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Top 20 Xmas SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & Fresh SMS}

Xmas SMS in Hindi 2019: in case if you looking for some of the fresh SMS to share on your social media profile than you are at correct page, as we have updated our list with some of the fresh smses.

Xmas SMS in Hindi 2019

Xmas SMS in Hindi 2019

May the jòy and peace òf Christmas be with yòu all thròugh the Yèar.
Wishing yòu a season of blessings fròm heaven abòvè.
Warmest greetings for Christmàs

For my one and only Girlfriend- Angel's eyes
Sweetest, Loveliest, Delicious, Gorgeous
Cherry Babe Marry Christmas...Christmas wishes for gf

May àll the sweet màgic of Christmàs conspirè
To glàdden your hearts and fill èvery desirè.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Wish you, all the best and joy always & always

My lóve, make my Wish cóme True
All I want fór Christmas is Yóu

Let this Christmas be a marvelous moment.
Let this Christmas be a wondrous holiday season.
Let this Christmas be a joyous celebration full of fun.
Let this Christmas share the love and cheer with everyone.

Let this Christmas be a marvelous moment.
Let this Christmas be a wondrous holiday season.
Let this Christmas be a joyous celebration full of fun.
Let this Christmas share the love and cheer with everyone.

christmas quotes-
Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill,
But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.

Beautiful Christmas quotes-
From home to home and heart to heart,
From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.
Merry X-Mas

Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts and homes.
Let the spirit of joy and generous cheer fill our hearts and homes.
Let the cherish moments of Christmas bring happiness and prosperity for everyone.

Christmas ka yeh pyara tyohaar
Jeevan mein laye khushiyan apaar,
Santa clause aaye aapke dwar,
Subhkamna hamari kare sweekar.
Merry Christmas.

Let's welcome the year which is fresh and new,
Let's cherish each moment it beholds,
Let's celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas

Say Merry Christmas To Your Friends And Familly!

From home to home and heàrt to heàrt,
From one place to ànother,
The wàrmth and joy of Christmàs,
Sweet contentment, generous cheer
Brings us closer to each other.

Make the most of it.
Christmas is not a time nor a season,
But a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill,
To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

May lovely, happy times decorate this time of the season.
May warm, special memories brighten your new year.
May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.

Christmas may be many things
Or it may be a few.
Fòr yòu, the jòy
Is each new tòy
Fòr me its watching u.

Best Christmas SMS/quotes-

Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.

A silent night
A star above
A blessed gift of hope and love
A blessed Christmas to you!

Two things upon this changing earth can neither change nor end,
the splendor of Christ’s humble birth, the love of friend for friend.

Xmas SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Yaar SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & New SMS}

Top 20 Yaar SMS in Hindi 2019: if you are searching for dosti and yaar SMS then you are at the correct page. As we have created the list for you. So that you don't need to surf more. Enjoy!

Top 20 Yaar SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Yaar SMS in Hindi 2019

Chaddar ki KAMEEZ,
Lohe ka PAIJAMA,
Bandar tera MAMA,
Billi teri MAUSI,
Kutte Mera Yaar,
Miss u mere YAAR

Pehle chitthi k badle taar aata tha,
ek bulave pe Mera Yaar aata tha.
Ab padh kar delete karte hai mere sms ko,
kabhi har SmS ka jawab aata tha.

Pehle chitthi ke badle taar ata tha
1 bulave pe Mera Yaar aata tha
Ab padh kr delete karte hai mere sms
kabhi har SmS ka jawab aata tha

Seh liya har dard humne haste haste,
ujd gaya ghar Mera Yaaro baste baste,
ab wafa kare to kis se kare yaaro,
wafa karne gaye to bewafa hi mile raste raste.

Pathan To Wife: Mera Yaar Aaya hai Chai to Bana Do.
Wife: Main Nahi Bana Rahi.
Pathan: Bana De, Jab Tera Yaar Aayega to Main Bhi Bana Donga. :-)

Chaddar ki KAMEEZ,
Lohe ka PAIJAMA,
Bandar tera MAMA,
Billi teri MAUSI,
Kutte Mera Yaar,
Miss u mere YAAR

Chaddar Ki Kameez,
Lohe Ka Paijama,
Bandar Tera Mama,
Billi Teri Mausi,
Kutte Mera Yaar,
Aam Ka Aachar,
Miss U Mere Yaar

Pehle chitthi k badle taar aata tha,
ek bulave pe Mera Yaar aata tha.
Ab padh kar delete karte hai mere sms ko,
kabhi har SmS ka jawab aata tha

Zindagi hasin hai zindagi se pyaar karo, hai rat to subah ka intzar karo, wo pal b ayega jiska intzar hai aap ko, rab pr bhrosa or waqt pe aitbar rakho.

Tohfa kya aaj tumhe mai yaar du, Bachhi chandd khushiya bhi tumhe apni vaar du, maangi thi jo uss khuda se tumhare liye, un sabhi duaon ka tujhe main uphaar du…

Khushi ka tyohar pyaar ki barsaat mithaiyon ki aahar .is dussehra ke shubh din aapko mile mastiyaan lakh baar...

Jaan hai hume zindagi se pyari,,,jaan ke liye chod de duniya saari,.Jaan ke liye kar du kurbaan yaari..Ab tumse kua chupana ,Tum hi to ho jaan hamari....

Zindagi ek baar milti hai usko na yun barbaad karo, khushi ho ya gam ka aalam us khuda par aitbaar karo, mohabbat hi to hame jeena sikhati hai is zamane mei isiliye doston kisi na kisi se tum bhi pyaar karo…

Zikar Hua Jab Khuda Ki Rahmato Ka,Hamne Khud ko KhusNasib Paya,Tamanna Thi Ek Pyare Se Yaar Ki,Khuda Khud Yaar Bankar Aapke Roop Me Aaya.

Santa-yaar ye bata is duniya me kitne desh hai banta-are pagal is duniya me ek hi to desh hai jiska naam india hai baki to sab videsh hai.

Teri palko pe khwab rakh gaya koi,teri saso pe naam likh gaya koi,chalo vada raha tumse,bhool jana hame. agar humse acha tumhe yaar mile koi.

Unka waada hai ki woo laut ayenge, issi umeed par hum jiye jayenge, yeh intezaar bhi unhi ki tarah pyaara hai, kar rahe the, kar rahe hai or kiye jayenge.

Beshuk kuch waqt ka intezaar mila humko,par khuda se badkar yaar mila humko,na rahi tamanna kisi jannat ki,dosti mein itna pyar mila humko..

Dheere dheere se ab tere pyaar ka dard kam hua, na tere aane ki khushi hui aur na jaane ka gam hua, jab log mujhse puchte hain hamari pyar ki dastaan, main keh deta hun ki ek fasana tha jo ab khatm hua.

Kisina kisi pe aetbar ho jata hai,Koi Ajnabi yaar ho jata hai,Khubiyon se nahi hoti mohabbat sada Khamiyon sebhi aksar pyar ho jata hai.

Related Tags: Top 20 Yaar SMS in Hindi 2019

Monday 18 February 2019

Top 20 Zindagi SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & Fresh SMS}

Zindagi SMS in Hindi 2019: if you need some of the fresh SMS to share on your social media profile than you are at the correct page. As we are sharing such amazing SMS for free. So, don't forget to share it!
Zindagi SMS in Hindi 2019

Zindagi SMS in Hindi 2019

थमती नहीं ज़िन्दगी कभी,
किसी के बिना,
लेकिन ये गुज़रती भी नहीं,
अपनों के बिना.

ये शब्द मेरी पहचान बने तो ही अच्छा है,
चेहरे का क्या है, ये तो मेरे साथ ही चला जायेगा

जहां के सारे दर्द,
मुझे ही दे दिए…
कि खुदा को,
इतना यकीन था मुझपर…

ये उम्र और ज़िन्दगी बिना रुके बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं,
और हम आज भी अपनी ख्वाहिशें लेकर वहीं खड़े हैं

ये ना पूछो,
कि ये ज़िन्दगी ख़ुशी कब देती है?
क्योंकि ये शिकायत उसे भी है,
जिसे ये ज़िन्दगी सब देती है

मैं करता हूँ कड़ी धुप में मेहनत सिर्फ इस यकीं के साथ,
मैं जलूँगा तो ही मेरे घर में रौशनी होगी

बहुत पहले से ही हम उन क़दमों की आहट को जान लेते हैं,
तुम्हे तो ऐ ज़िन्दगी, हम दूर से ही पहचान लेते हैं

जब भी देखता हूँ किसी गरीब को हँसते हुए,
तब एहसास होता है कि खुशियों का दौलत से कोई मुक़ाबला नहीं

ए ज़िन्दगी तू इतना भी ज़ुल्म ना कर,
कौन सा मैं यहाँ बार बार आने वाला हूँ !!


एक पहचान हज़ारों मित्र बना देती है,
एक मुस्कराहट हज़ारों दुःख भुला देती है,
ज़िन्दगी के सफर में जरा संभल कर चलना लोगों,
एक ज़रा सी चूक हज़ारों ख़्वाब जला कर राख बना देती है !!

बहुत भीड़ है इश्क़ के इस शहर में,
जो भी एक बार बिछड़ा, वो वापिस नहीं आया

इस ज़िन्दगी से सभी को मोहब्बत है,
पर ज़िन्दगी कभी भी किसी की मोहब्बत नहीं बनती,
आरज़ू लेकर जीते हैं यहाँ पर सभी लोग,
पर हर आरज़ू कभी तक़दीर नहीं बनती

लम्हों की एक किताब है ये ज़िन्दगी,
साँसों और ख्यालों का सही हिसाब है ये ज़िन्दगी,
कुछ जरूरतें पूरी और कुछ चाहतें अधूरी,
बस इन्ही सवालों का जवाब है ज़िन्दगी

ये ज़िन्दगी बहुत कुछ सिखाती है,
कभी हँसाती है तो कभी रुलाती है,
लेकिन जो हर हाल में खुश रहना सीख लेते हैं,
ये ज़िन्दगी उनके आगे ही सिर झुकाती है

याद ऐसा करो की कोई हद न हो,
भरोसा इतना करना की शक न हो और,
इंतेज़ार इतना करो की कोई वक़्त न हो,
दोस्ती ऐसी करो की कभी नफरत न हो..

जो कुछ हूँ सामने हूँ, कुछ अंदर नहीं हूं मैं,
ख़ादिम हूँ क़लंदर का, क़लंदर नहीं हूँ मैं,
मुझ पर से गुज़र जाइए, ग़ौहर तलाशिए,
मैं सिर्फ़ एक पुल हूँ, समंदर नहीं हूँ मैं.

जो कुछ हूँ सामने हूँ, कुछ अंदर नहीं हूं मैं,
ख़ादिम हूँ क़लंदर का, क़लंदर नहीं हूँ मैं,
मुझ पर से गुज़र जाइए, ग़ौहर तलाशिए,
मैं सिर्फ़ एक पुल हूँ, समंदर नहीं हूँ मैं.

रात नही ख्वाब बदलता है,
मन्जिल नही रास्ता बदलता है,
जज्बा रखो मन मेँ हर दम जीतने का,
क्योकि किस्मत बदले ना बदले पर,
जिन्दगी मेँ सबका वक्त जरुर बदलता है.

रे लफजो मे दर्द भले ही हो,
मगर मेरी शायरी मे रंजिश नही,
मै तरस गया भले मरहम के लिए,
मगर जिदंगी मे कोई गर्दिश नही.

रे लफजो मे दर्द भले ही हो,
मगर मेरी शायरी मे रंजिश नही,
मै तरस गया भले मरहम के लिए,
मगर जिदंगी मे कोई गर्दिश नही.

Related Tags: Zindagi SMS in Hindi 2019

Thursday 7 February 2019

Top 20 Whatsapp SMS in Hindi 2019 {Pure Hindi, with Hindi Fonts}

Top 20 Whatsapp SMS in Hindi 2019, if you are searching for some of the best and most popular Hindi smses. We have picked only the coolest and awesome WhatsApp SMS. Don't forget to share!

Top 20 Whatsapp SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Whatsapp SMS in Hindi 2019

गरीब हूँ मगर ख़ुश बहुत हूँ,
क्योंकि दिल के अमीर दोस्तों के साथ रहता हूँ,

उस चाँद को बहुत गुरूर है
कि उसके पास नूर है..

मगर वो क्या जाने की
मेरा तो पूरा ग्रुप ही कोहिनूर है..

आजकल के बच्चो को क्या पता कि struggle क्या है..

हमने वो समय भी देखा है
जब मोबाइल मे ‘S’ टाइप करना हो तो ‘7’ के बटन
को चार बार दबाना पड़ता था

Whatsapp Group में कुछ सदस्य ऐसे भी होते है..

जैसे सरकारी
स्कूल के छात्र हो..

जो स्कूल कभी नहीं आते पर उनका रजिस्टर में
नाम जरूर होता है.

प्रश्न:- जीवन क्या है.?



#facebook और #whatsup से
बचा हुआ समय ही जीवन है!

पति: क्या बात है. आज घर बड़ा साफ है
क्या वॉट्सएप बंद है तुम्हारा?

पत्नी: नहीं वह तो चार्जर नहीं मिल रहा था तो
ढूंढ़ने के चक्कर में सफाई हो गई

कभी कभी तो आप लोग
इतनी अच्छी पोस्ट करते हो कि सोचता हूँ

ताजमहल के मजदूरों की तरह
आपकी की अंगुलिया काट दूँ

कभी कभी तो आप लोग
इतनी अच्छी पोस्ट करते हो कि सोचता हूँ

ताजमहल के मजदूरों की तरह
आपकी की अंगुलिया काट दूँ

अगर भारत सरकार FB और Whatsapp पर
dp बदलने के लिए 1 रुपये लेना शुरू कर दे तो

कुछ ही दिनों में भारत..
अमेरिका चीन को लोन देने में सक्ष्म हो जाएगा

क्या आप facebook और whatsapp कि मदद से पैसे
कमाना चाहते है ??

हा तो

दोनो delete कर दो और काम धन्धे पे लग जाओ..
जनहित मैं जारी.

सोने में आई भारी गिरावट ~
पहले लोग 10 घण्टे सोते थे।
अब whatsapp के कारण 4 घण्टे ही सोते हैं।

Top 20 Whatsapp SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Valentine Day SMS in Hindi 2019 {Hot & New!}

Valentine Day SMS in Hindi 2019, get some of the best sms on the Valentines' day 2019. Our collection will help you to express your feeling to your loved one. Don't forget to share it!

Valentine Day SMS in Hindi 2019

Valentine Day SMS in Hindi 2019

I looked at a sweet,
beautiful rose,
and then I looked at you,
and I kept looking at you,
for the rose isn’t as beautiful as you.

2. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. Happy valentines day quotes!

I see it in your eyes,
You can see in my eyes,
You can feel it from my heart.
So let's make each moment best.
So let's share each secret.
You are a miracle that makes my life complete,
As long as there's a breath in me,
I'll make your life sweet.
I promise to make all your dreams come true.
Good Times, Bad Times,
I will Never leave you.
I will be the hero of your dreams desire
You'll never find a love as true as mine.
Be mine for a lifetime, Be My Valentine...

Sirf Isharoon Mein Hoti Mohabbat Agar,
In Alfazoon Ko Khoobsurati Kaun Deta?
Bas Pathar Bann Ke Reh Jaata Taj Mahal,
Agar Ishq Ise Apni Pehchan Na Deta.
Happy valentine day!

Honthon Se Pyaar Ke Fasaane Nahin Aate,
Sahil Pe Sumandar Ke Moti Nahin Aate,
Lelo Abhi Zindagi Mein Pyaar Ka Mazaa,
Phir Laut Ke Hum Jaise Deewane Nahin Aate!

The smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person
in the world is U.
tats y I Love You.

Boss: tumhen 14 February ko chhutti kyon chaahie?
Ladka: boss, Valentine's Day de ke avasar par ghar pe "Puja Aur Archana" hogi.

Like the dew drops on the flowers,
I love the feel of your lips on mine,
with the warmth of ur embrace,
I love to keep sinking in your arms always,
all I wanna say I love you always,
Say it to your sweetheart with this romantic msgs.

No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my
Princess with all my heart. Happy Valentine's Day

Love is not how long I've been together; not how much you've given or receive; Not how many times you've helped each other It’s how u value each other

Never waste an opportunity 2 say ‘I love U’ to someone u really like, coz it is not everyday I'll meet the person who has the magic to let u fall in love. Valentines day sayings

May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey

wan”t to kiss ur lips
I wan”t to play with ur teeth
I want to taste ur tongue
Hey! don”t get angry friend
I m toothpaste,
Happy Valentine dear

Wen a TOUCH could HEAL a wound
Wen EYES’S cud SPEAK volumes
Wen a SMILE can confirm I M THERE
then why do v need words 2 say’I LOVE YOU
valentines day sayings

My past says u met me
My future says u will care 4 me
My present says u will understand me
But my heart says u will
Always Remember ME!

Kyun dil k kareeb aa jata hai koi,
Kyun PYAR ka ehsas kara jata hai koi,
Jab aadat si ho jati hai dil ko us ki,
Kyun phir dour chala jata hai koi....?

You're still the One
For Whom I am Crazy
You're still the one
Who is everything for me
You're still the One
Whom I Love Like 'none other'
I will always love you
I will never leave you alone
I will never let you down
I will always stand by your side
I wanna spend the rest of my life
Together We will be fine Be My Valentine

If a guy can't handle you in sweat pants, he sure as hell doesn't deserve you in a wedding dress.
Happy Valentine's day!

I'm not perfect. I'll annoy you, make you mad but put all that aside. You'll never find someone who cares and loves you more than me.
Please be my Valentine!

A wife after waking up from her sleep on Valentine's day, "I just had a dream that you bought me a diamond necklace".
Husband: Go back to sleep and wear it. Happy Valentine's day!

Related Tags: Valentine Day SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Ugadi SMS in Hindi 2019 {Most Popular SMS}

Ugadi SMS in Hindi 2019, everything you need right now. We have collected some of the best smses on the festival, which you can share on social media profile with friends and family.

Ugadi SMS in Hindi 2019

Ugadi SMS in Hindi 2019

1. May Ugadi usher in prosperity and new beginnings. Wishing you lots of love on the happy occasion of Ugadi.

2. It is time to put the past behind you and look ahead with optimism. Happy Ugadi!

3. On the auspicious occasion of Ugadi, I pray to God that he may give you good health and success.

4. May the divine light of Ugadi make all your dreams come true. May you excel in whatever you do in life.

5. Wishing you a life full of utmost peace and joy. Happy Ugadi!

6. May this Ugadi bring you joy, health, wealth and good luck throughout the year!

7. May this Ugadi bring in you the brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever wished for May this Ugadi bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity. May light triumph over darkness. May peace transcend the earth. Happy Ugadi!

8. Wish your new year brims with a harvest of happiness and prosperity. Happy Ugadi!

9. May this Ugadi bring you a new spirit, a new beginning, and new prosperity. Wishing you a very happy Ugadi!

10. Let's welcome Ugadi with great hope, eagerness & anticipation. Let us look forward to a plentiful of joy, satisfaction, peace & prosperity.

11. May this Ugadi usher cheerfulness, enriching the hearts of people with good health, wealth and joy. Happy Ugadi!

Ugadi means..
New Life
New Hope
New Aspirations
New Beginning
Let's make each day Ugadi!

Let this Ugadi usher in a Good and Sweet Year, both materially and spiritually.
Happy Ugadi!

With a smile and a spirit of giving a sense of humanity a pledge to spread peace and happiness.
Happy Ugadi!

May this year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
Happy Ugadi!

May you and your family have a bright and prosperous Ugadi!

Hope the lights of Ugadi bring glow and warmth to your life! Wishing you a very happy New Year!

This Ugadi, may your enemies become friends, the darkness of negativity fade away from your life and you discover a new person within you. Happy New Year!

No wish is small or big as long as it comes straight from the heart. Hope this Ugadi wish finds you in good spirit.

The raw mangoes, neem, and jaggery represent the sweet, sour and bitter flavors of life. May the flavors of Ugadi fill your life in the coming year!

Related Tags: Ugadi SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Question Answer SMS in Hindi 2019 {Unique, Fresh & Updated}

Top 20 Question Answer SMS in Hindi 2019, if you are searching some cool stuff to share with your friends on Whatsapp or Facebook then you are at the correct page. Enjoy the collection and share it!

Top 20 Question Answer SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Question Answer SMS in Hindi 2019

Koi ek option select karen,
Hum aap ki life ka raaz open karen gay.
1. Silver Ring
2. Golden Shoes
3. Red Lipstick
4. White Bangels
5. Black Eyes
Reply is Must

1. Silver Ring: Dil ki baat dil mein rakhte ho,,,
kisi ko batana pasand nahi karte.
2. Golden Shoes: Apne pyar se bohut pyar karne ki khawahish hai.
3. Red Lipstick: Khud pe yaqeen rakhte ho, Romantic ho.
4. White Bangels: Pur'aman ho, Achi soch wale.
5. Black Eyes: Bohut sensitive ho, Pyare dil kay malik.

Koi ek option select karen,
Hum aap ki life ka raaz open karen gay.
1. Silver Ring
2. Golden Shoes
3. Red Lipstick
4. White Bangels
5. Black Eyes
Reply is Must

1. Silver Ring: Dil ki baat dil mein rakhte ho,,,
kisi ko batana pasand nahi karte.
2. Golden Shoes: Apne pyar se bohut pyar karne ki khawahish hai.
3. Red Lipstick: Khud pe yaqeen rakhte ho, Romantic ho.
4. White Bangels: Pur'aman ho, Achi soch wale.
5. Black Eyes: Bohut sensitive ho, Pyare dil kay malik.

Aap mujhe apna kya samajte ho?
Choose 1 Number
Reply Must

100: Apni jaan
200: Kuch b nahi
300: Nafrat k Qabil
400: Apna Humsafar
500: Apna bhai/behn
600: Apna Dushman
700: Apna wellwisher
800: Apna dost
900: Bohut Qareeb

Kisi 2 numbers ka total kar k reply karein
Then I will tell youk shadi k baad aap ki joori kesi rahe gi...

Your Joori is:--

Choose a number "shaadi" kahan ya kis se hogi?
Reply only a number Quickly...

09 Ajnabi k ghar
19 Phupo k ghar
28 Khala k ghar
37 Friend k saath
46 Teacher se
55 Mamu k ghar
64 Lover k saath
73 Hamsayon k ghar
82 Dost k ghar
91 Apni pasand se
100 Student

Select 1 No
Aap ki bachpan se kya ban'ne ki khuwahish hai...?
Reply Must

1: Dhobi
2: Sweeper
3: Waiter
4: Watchman
5: Kasai
6: Mochi
7: Teen dabay wala
8; Bhangi
9: Sabzi wala
10: Plumber

Question: Select Any Lucky Box...
Pata chale ga k
Aap 2011 Mein kya paane wale hein?
Box P
Box K
Box A
Box F
Box R
Box S
Box M
Box H
Box G
Reply Must

Answer: Box P = Kuch Nahi
Box K = Kamyabyan
Box A = 1 Chahne Wala
Box F = Dolat
Box R = Olaad
Box S = Sacha Pyaar
Box M = Bohut Rishte
Box H = Dil Ki Khuwahish Puri Hogi
Box G = Shaadi Hogi

Question: November K Mahine Mein
Aap Zindagi Mein Kiya
Changing Aegi...?
Select Any1 Number

Answer: 000, Aapki Engagement Hogi
111, Khobsurat Ho Jao Gay
222, AapKa Jhoot Pakra Jaega
333, Aapki Izat Barhe Gi
444, Kisi Se Piyar Ho Jaega
110, Aapse Koi Bohut Naraz Ho Jaega
210, Aapki Shadi Hogi
310, Aapse Koi Piyar Ka Izhar Karega
410, Bohut Se Naye Dost Milenge

Question: 3 Words Choose Karo
Dekho Tumhen Zindagi Mein
Sub Se Ziada Kya Mile Ga?
A. B. C. D. E. F.
G. H. I. J. K. L.
M. N. O. P. Q. R.
S. T. U. V. W. X.
Y. Z.

Answer: A. Romance
B. Rose
C. Missed Calls
D. Message
E. Blessing
F. Dua
G. Mithai
H. Money
I. Respect
J. Khuloos
K. Freedom
L. Perfums
M. Mohabbat
N. Happinese
O. Care
P. Freindship
Q. Gift
R. Lots of Love
S. Love 4 Ever
T. Tension
U. Tears
V. Pain
W. Banglow
X. Flate
Y. Chocolate
Z. Love

Question: Choose A Love Collection,
I Will Open Ur Secret.

Answer: Love:1 Aap Sub Se Kuch Chupa Rahay Ho
Itna K Khud Se Bhi
Love:2 Aap Jis Se Piyar Karte Ho Wo
Aapko Dil Ki Dharkan Se Bhi Ziada
Chahta Hai
Love:3 Aap Kisi Ko Ko Piyar K Naam
Pe Dhoka De Rahe Ho.
Love:4 Jo Aap Ka Humsafar Hoga Us Ki
Niyat Aur Dil Mein Sirf Aap Ho
Love:5 Jitna Piyar Aap Ko Mil Raha Hai
Wo Sub Ek Dhoka Hai.

Question: Choose Any Number Then
I will tell you K
Aap kis ki 'Judai'
bardasht nahi kar saktay.?
11: 22: 33: 44: 55:
66: 77: 88: 99:
It's very Interestng
Reply Fast

Answer: 11: Cousin Ki
22: Sister Ki
33: Lover Ki
44: Friendz Ki
55: Humsafar Ki
66: Meri
77: Parents Ki
88: Kisi Ki Nahi
99: Boy/Girl Friend

Question: Select Any Lucky Box...
Pata chale ga k
Aap 2011 Mein kya paane wale hein?
Box P
Box K
Box A
Box F
Box R
Box S
Box M
Box H
Box G
Reply Must

Answer: Box P = Kuch Nahi
Box K = Kamyabyan
Box A = 1 Chahne Wala
Box F = Dolat
Box R = Olaad
Box S = Sacha Pyaar
Box M = Bohut Rishte
Box H = Dil Ki Khuwahish Puri Hogi
Box G = Shaadi Hogi

Question: Dosti Ka Rishta.............?
Plz Select Any 1 Number.
445, 663, 999, 881, 554,
345, 777,685, 468

Answer: 445, Matlabi
663, Love
999, Dhoka
881, Time Paas
554, Hamdardi
345, Dil Ka
777, Dosti Unlimited
685, Khobsurat Ehsaas
468, Sincerity

Question: Kal Meri Shadi Ho Rahi hai.
Agar Aap Ko Achanak Ye Pata
Chale Tou Aap Ka Reaction Kya Hoga
Choose 1 No Abhi Pata Chal Jaega.
1 +
2 +
3 +
4 +
5 +
6 +
7 +
8 +
9 +

Answer: 1 + Oh No
2 + Wow Yaar
3 + Zbardast
4 + Kitna Maza Aega na
5 + Ye Shadi Nahi Ho Sakti
6 + Mubarak Ho
7 + Naheeeeeee
8 + Uff Kya Pehan K Jaon?
9 + Kash Meri Bhi Hoti.

Question: November K Mahine Mein
Aap Zindagi Mein Kiya
Changing Aegi...?
Select Any1 Number

Answer: 000, Aapki Engagement Hogi
111, Khobsurat Ho Jao Gay
222, AapKa Jhoot Pakra Jaega
333, Aapki Izat Barhe Gi
444, Kisi Se Piyar Ho Jaega
110, Aapse Koi Bohut Naraz Ho Jaega
210, Aapki Shadi Hogi
310, Aapse Koi Piyar Ka Izhar Karega
410, Bohut Se Naye Dost Milenge

Question: Choose Any Number Then
I will tell you K
Aap kis ki 'Judai'
bardasht nahi kar saktay.?
11: 22: 33: 44: 55:
66: 77: 88: 99:
It's very Interestng
Reply Fast

Answer: 11: Cousin Ki
22: Sister Ki
33: Lover Ki
44: Friendz Ki
55: Humsafar Ki
66: Meri
77: Parents Ki
88: Kisi Ki Nahi
99: Boy/Girl Friend

Question: Choose A Love Collection,
I Will Open Ur Secret.

Answer: Love:1 Aap Sub Se Kuch Chupa Rahay Ho
Itna K Khud Se Bhi
Love:2 Aap Jis Se Piyar Karte Ho Wo
Aapko Dil Ki Dharkan Se Bhi Ziada
Chahta Hai
Love:3 Aap Kisi Ko Ko Piyar K Naam
Pe Dhoka De Rahe Ho.
Love:4 Jo Aap Ka Humsafar Hoga Us Ki
Niyat Aur Dil Mein Sirf Aap Ho
Love:5 Jitna Piyar Aap Ko Mil Raha Hai
Wo Sub Ek Dhoka Hai.

Question: 3 Words Choose Karo
Dekho Tumhen Zindagi Mein
Sub Se Ziada Kya Mile Ga?
A. B. C. D. E. F.
G. H. I. J. K. L.
M. N. O. P. Q. R.
S. T. U. V. W. X.
Y. Z.

Answer: A. Romance
B. Rose
C. Missed Calls
D. Message
E. Blessing
F. Dua
G. Mithai
H. Money
I. Respect
J. Khuloos
K. Freedom
L. Perfums
M. Mohabbat
N. Happinese
O. Care
P. Freindship
Q. Gift
R. Lots of Love
S. Love 4 Ever
T. Tension
U. Tears
V. Pain
W. Banglow
X. Flate
Y. Chocolate
Z. Love

Question: Choose Ur Lucky Number
Than I'll Tell U
K Aapki Konsi khuwahish
Poori Hogi...

Answer: 1 Aapki Shadi
2 Banglow
3 Car
4 True Love
5 Beautiful Babies
6 Aakhirat Mein Kamyabi
7 Aapka Piyar Aapko Mil Jaega
8 2 Shadiyan
9 Bohut Achi Job

Choose An Option
And Main Aapko Btaonga
K Aap Kis Tarah K Ho.
-Face Wash
-Pink Dress
-Soft Music
-Cute Baby
-Rainy Day

-Face Wash : Dramy Baaz
-Pizza : Hot
-Mobile : A Perfect Personlity
-Pink Dress : Very Romantic
-Soft Music : Flirty
-Cute Baby : So Innocent
-Rainy Day : You Love Someone

Top 20 Question Answer SMS in Hindi 2019 {Unique, Fresh & Updated}

Top 20 Onam SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & New SMS}

Onam SMS in Hindi 2019, it's probably one of the best collection we have created so far on the occasion of Onam, don't forget to share it with your friends and family. It's the most popular collection.

Onam SMS in Hindi 2019

Onam SMS in Hindi 2019

May this be an Onam with Happiness and Prosperity,
Let the festival of Onam be celebrated by every Malayali,
whoever and where ever they may be.

May this ONAM bring you,
the brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever wished for.
Wishing you a very HAPPY ONAM.

The festival occasion comes here,
Filling our hearts with warmth and cheer!
Warm wishes for your life be,
filled with sweetness and joy,
And glow as bright as these,
Onam Deepams!
Happy Onam!

Maveli Nadu vaneedum Kalam
Manusharellarum onnu pole...
Wish you a blessed Onam!

Maveli Nadu vaneedum Kalam,
Manusharellarum onnu pole...
Wish you a blessed Onam!

Pookkalavum, pooviliyum,
Onakkodiyum, onasadhyayumayi,
Oru onam koodi,
Happy Onam Wishes!

Wishing each one of you a very happy and prosperous Onam…
May this year brings you lots and lots of happiness inlife and fulfill all your dreams…
Hearty Onam Greetings!

May your Life be blessed,
with Love and Laughter,
Heartfelt Wishes this Onam.

Aishwaryavum, Samriddiyum Niranja nalla nalukal ennum,
undavatte oppam manassil snehathinte oru onam.

O - Orumayude
N - Nanmayude
A - Aghoshangalude
M - Malayaliyude
Onam Varavayi!

Manassinte Naalukettil,
ormmayude oru pookkalam,
koodi theerthu kondu...
Happy Onam!

Snehikkunavarkum snehikkapedunnavarkum ormakalil oru nombaram pole eee onakalavum ethiyirikkunu. Happy Onam!

Wishing all Family members
and Dear ones a Happy Onam!
May you all have a Happy,
Peaceful and Prosperous Year ahead.

May this Onam bring
Lots of happiness and prosperity…
To you and your family!

May the colors of
bring joy to you
and your family…
Have a happy Onam!

Wishing that the love and togetherness
of friends and family adds joy to your
Onam celebrations!

May the colors and lights of Onam…
Fill your home with bountiesof happiness and joy!

May this Onam
turns out to be
a great celebration
for you.
Happy Onam…

Look at the world as 1 huge chocolate cake.
It would not be complete without a few sweets & nuts.
Sweets like me & nuts like you!!!
Enjoy Onam feast. Happy Onam

May God bless you and fill your heart with joy & happiness. May the color and lights of Onam fill your home with happiness and joy. Have the most beautiful Onam.

Related Tags: Onam SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 New Year SMS in HIndi 2020 {100% Unique & Fresh}

Top 20 New Year SMS in Hindi 2020, this time we come up with some of the best smses you should share on your social media this happy new year 2020. It's pure unique and fresh content for you.
Top 20 New Year SMS in HIndi 2020 {100% Unique & Fresh}

Top 20 New Year SMS in HIndi 2020

Na Toote Koi Dil Galatfehmi Se Pyar
Karne Waale Ek Dusre Par Shaq Na
Kare Un Khwabon Ki Tabeer Mumkin
Nahi Agar Rishto Me Koi Wafa Na
Kare Gaya Saal Jaisi Khata Na Kare.

Jhamele Bahut Zndgi Ke Hain Tujhe
Bhool Jaau Khuda Na Kare, Na Toote
Armaanon Ke Khwaab Kisi Ke, Agar
Tootna Hai To Khuda Jawaa Na
Kare Gaya Saal Jaisi Khata Na Kare.

Farishta Tujhe Maan Lega Jaha Tu Agar
Kisi Ka Buraa Na Kare Mohabbat Se Keh
Do Dur Wo Rahe Meri Zndgi Bemazza
Na Kare Gaya Saal Jaisi Khata Na Kare.

Farishta Tujhe Maan Lega Jaha Tu Agar
Kisi Ka Buraa Na Kare Mohabbat Se Keh
Do Dur Wo Rahe Meri Zndgi Bemazza
Na Kare Gaya Saal Jaisi Khata Na Kare.

Happy New Year To You & Your All
Family Members May You All Have
A Happy, Peaceful And Prosperous
Year Ahead. Have A Great Year Ahead.

As The New Year Going To Start. I Wish
May The Good Times, Live On In Our
Memories. And May We Learn Lessons,
From The Troubling Times. That Will
Make Us Stronger And Better Than Ever.

इस साल आपके घर खुशियों की हो धमाल
दौलत की ना हो कमी आप हो जायें मलामाल
हसते मुस्कुराते रहो ऐसा हो सबका हाल
तहे दिल से मुबारक हो आपको नया साल.

सूरज की तरह चमकती रहे आपकी जिंदगी
और सितारों की तरह झिलमिलाये
आपका आंगन. इन ही दुआओं के साथ
आपको नये साल की ढ़ेर सारी शुभकामनाएं.

हम दुआ करते हैं कि इस नये साल कि
हर सुबह आपकी उम्मीद जगायें, हर
दोपहर विश्वास दिलाये, हर शाम
खुशिया लाये, और हर रात सुकून से
भरी हो नये साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं.

इस नए साल खुशियों की बरसातें हों
प्यार के दिन और मोहब्बत भरी रातें
हों रंजिशे नफरतें मिट जाएं सदा के
लिए सभी के दिलों में ऐसी चाहतें हों.

आपके सारे गम खुशियों में तोल दूं, अपने
सारे राज़ आपके सामने खोल दूं कोई मुझसे
पहले न बोल दे इसलिए सोचा क्यों
न आज ही आपको हैपी न्यू ईयर बोल दूं!

Es Saal Aapke Ghar Khusiyo Ki Ho
Dhamaal, Daulat Ki Na Ho Kami Aap
Ho Jaye Malamaal, Haste Muskurate
Raho Aisa Ho Sabka Haal, Tahe
Dii Se Mubarak Ho Aapko Naya Saal!

कोई दुःख न हो कोई गम न हो, कोई आंख
कभी भी नम न हो! कोई दिल किसी का न
तोड़े, कोई साथ किसी का न छोड़े! बस प्यार
का दरिया बहता हो, ये 2019 ऐसा हो!!

भूल जाओ बीते हुए कल को दिल में
बसा लो आने वाले कल को मुस्कुराओ
चाहे जो भी हो पल खुशियां लेकर आएगा
आने वाला कल। नए साल की शुभकामनाएं.

जनवरी गयी, फरवरी गयी, गये सारे त्यौहार!
नये साल की बेला पर झूं रहा संसार
अब जिसका आपको था बेसब्री से इंतजार
मंगलमय हो आपके लिए 2019 का साल.

Let This New Year Be One, Where All
Your Dreams Come Alive, So With
A Delightful Heart, Put A Start
To This Year Anew, Wishing You A
Happy, Prosperous New Year Ahead.

Hope You Scatter Joy And Pleasure
Where You Move All 365 Days Of The
Forthcoming Year And Find Precisely
The Exact Same In Return. Wish you
And Your Family A Very Happy New Year!

Another Year Has Passed, Another Year
Has Come. I Wish For You That, With
Every Year, You Achieve All Of
Your Dreams. May God Pour Love
And Care On You. Happy New Year.

A New Year Is Like A Blank Book,
And The Pen Is In Your Hands.
It Is Your Chance To Write A
Beautiful Story For Yourself.
Wish You A Very Happy New Year.

May Light Always Be Around You, Hope Always
Surround You. May Your Wounds Fade Out,
Heart Embrace Kindness, Love And Wisdom.
May Smile Never Leave Your Lips And A Healthy
Glow Stay On Your Cheeks. May All Your Desires
Turn True, This Is My New Year Wish For You Dear.

Related Tags: Top 20 New Year SMS in Hindi 2020

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Top 20 Makar Sankranti SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & Fresh}

Makar Sankranti SMS in Hindi 2019, if you are searching for some of the best utrayan SMS than you are at the correct page. We have created this amazing list for you so that you don't need to surf more.

Makar Sankranti SMS in Hindi 2019

Makar Sankranti SMS in Hindi 2019

Mandir Mein Baji Ghantiyan
Sajhi Hain Aarti Ki Thaali
Suraj Ki Roshan Kiranon Ke Saath
Happy Makar Sankranti!!

Mithi Boli, Mithe Til, Mithi Juban
Makar Sankrant Ka Yahi Hai Paigam. Happy Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

Til Hum Hai, Aur Gud Aap, Mithai Hum Hai Aur Mithas Aap, Saal Ke Pahale Tyohar Se Ho Rahi Aaj Shuruwat.
Aap Ko Hamari Taraf Se Happy Makar Sankrant

Basmati K Chawal Urad Ki Daal,
Ghee Ki Khusbu Aam Ka Achar,
Dahibare Ki Mahak or Apno Ka Pyar,
Mubarak Ho Apko Khichadi Ka Tyohar.
Happy Makar Sankranti

Makar Sannkrati Ke Din Aapke Jeevan Ka Andhera Chhat Jaye Evam Gyan Aur Prakash Se Aapka Jeevan Ujjwal Ho Jaye!

Gud Ki Mithas Patango Ki Aas Sankranti Me Manao Jam Kar Ullas..happy Makar Sankranti

Mandir Ki Ghanti, Pooja Ki Thali,
Nadi K Kinare Suraj Ki Laali,
Zindadi Me Aye Khushiyo Ki Hariyali.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

Warm Wishes for You and Your Family for Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

The Harvest Festival Is Here. May You Have a Wonderful Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

Wishing You and Your Family Happy Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

May Auspicious Festival of Makar Sankranti Fill Your Home With Joy. Have a Wonderful Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

Sending You Warm Greetings on the Happy Occasion of Makar Sankranti. Have Lots of Fun on Makar Sankranti.
Aapko Mubarak Ho Sankrant Ka Tyohar.

13. Wishing You and Your Family Loads of Happiness and Sweet Surprises This Makar Sankranti!

14. Hope the Rising Sun on Makar Sankranti Fills Your Life With Abundant Joy and Prosperity. Happy Makar Sankranti!

15. Warm Wishes for a Makar Sankranti Filled With Sweet Moments You Will Cherish Forever!

16. I Wish You Soar High Just Like the Kites on Makar Sankranti. Happy Makar Sankranti!

17. Hope You Are Blessed With Peace, Prosperity, and Good Harvest This Makar Sankranti.

18. Wishing You and Your Family, the Blessings of Sun God on Makar Sankranti!

19. Hope You Are Blessed With Good Fortune and Happiness on This Makar Sankranti and Always!

20. Sending My Heartfelt Wishes to You and Your Family for a Happy and Blessed Makar Sankranti!

Related Tags: Makar Sankranti SMS in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & Fresh}

Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi 2019, do join our mission to publish A to Z in all the text form such as SMS, quotes etc. We have publish thousands of SMS for you guys, don't forget to share the content.

Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi 2019

Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi 2019

Vart Rakha Hai Maine,
Bas Ek Pyar Si Khwahish Ke Sath…
Ho Lambi Umar Tumhari,
Or Har Janam Mile Hume Ek Dusre Ka Sath.
Happy Karwa Chauth Sweetheart

Tum Mile Mujh Ek Pyar Ki Tarha,
Sath Tumhara Hai Sansar Ki Tarha,
Yu Hi Bana Rahe Rishta Apna
Khubsurat Ehsas Ki Tarha.
Happy Karwa Chauth Dear

Subha Ki Tayari Sargi Ke Sath,
Har Patni Sajegi Khubsurti Ke Sath,
Is Pyare Tyohar Per Har Patni
Pati Ki Lambi Umar Ka Vart Rakhti Khushi Ke Sath.
Wishes You Happy Karwa Chauth

Hai Betabiyan Badi Meri,
Or Tera Intezar Hai,
Hothon Pe Hai Naam Tera
Or Aankhon Mein Bhara Pyar Hai…
Happy Karva Chauth Dear

Sath Janam Ka Sath Mile,
Aisa Jivan Mujh Khas Mile,
Na Ho Koi or Khwahish Meri
Bas Jab Tujhe Yaad Karu Tu Mere Pass Mile.
Happy Karwa Chauth My Better Half

Chudiyo Ko Saja Liya Hatho Mein,
Or Mathe Per Sindoor Lagaya Hai ,
Piya Aa Ja Paas Hamare
Dekh Chand Bhi Nikal Aaya Hai..

Chaand Aagaya Sanam,
Bas Tumhara Intezar Hai,
Bethe Hai Rahon Pe Nigahe Laga Ker
Or Dil Bekarar Hai.

Sajh Ke Bethe Hai Hum Yaha,
Tu Kab Tak Aayega Piya,
Kab Apne Hatho Se Pila Ke Paani
Apne Gale Se Lagaega Piya.

Sanam Dil Se Na Jana Dur,
Ye Baat Apne Dil Ko Khe Do,
Pila Ke Apne Hatho Se Pani
Vart Pura Hamar Kar Do..
Happy Karwa Chauth

Dil Mein Apne Pyar Aap,
Hamare Liye Humesha Banaye Rakhna,
Zindagi Ke Har Kadam Per Aap
Apna Sath Mere Sath Banaye Rakhna.
Happy Karwa Chauth

Karva Chuth Par Itni Si Meri Muraad Puri Ho,
Apko Mile Wo Har Khushi Jo Apke Liye Zaroori Ho.

Mile Tum to Mila Sab…
Mili Har Khushi Humko,
Roop Me Tumhare Ek Patni Hi Nhi
Ek Khoobsurat Zindagi Mili Humko.

Nhi Koi Tumsa Pyar,
Nhi Koi Tumsa Hamara,
Apko Mile Humse Bhi Umar Lambi
Isliye Humne Bhi Karwa Chauth Ka Vart Rakh Dala.

Umar Chahe Kitni Lambi Ho,
Bas Har Lamha Tera Sath Chahiye,
Rakha Karwa Chauth Ka Vrat Is Khwahish Me
Mujhe Khushiyon Ki Hum Dono Par Barsaat Chahiye.

Sath Apna Atut Rahe,
Pyar Apna Atut Rahe,
Kabhi Na Ho Hum Juda
Ye Rishta Apna Atut Rahe.
Happy Karva Chauth My Love

Lambi Umar Ki Kamna Ke Sath
Ye Vrat Rakha Jata Hai,
Karwa Chuth Ka Pawan Tyohar Rishta Nhi
Atut Pyar Bhi Dikhata Hai.
Happy Karva Chauth

May God Bless You With
All Those Happiness & Pleasures
You Have Asked for Me, Sweetheart!
Wish You a Happy Karva Chauth
& a Prosperous Married Life With Me!

Sabhi Vivahit Bhaiyo Ko Yah Suchit Kiya Jata Hai..
Aaj Ke Din Savdhani Aur Dhiraj Se Kaam Leve…
Bhuki Sherni Jyada Khatarnak Hoti Hai
Happy Karva Chauth

Dhanya Woh Devi Jo Pati Sukh Hetu Vrat Paave,
Dhanya Woh Pati Jo Devi Roop Patni Paave,
Dhanya Woh Swaroop Jo Manushyata Ka Deep Jalawe..
Karva Chauth Ki Shubhkamnaye

On This Blessed Night,
May the Jingling of Churis,
Fill Your Life With Good Luck,
The Twinkling of Payal,
Announce Your Love for Him,
Happy Karwa Chauth

Related Tags: Karwa Chauth SMS in Hindi

Top 20 Emotional SMS in Hindi 2019 {100% Unique & Fresh SMS}

Top 20 Emotional Sms in Hindi 2019, in case you need to get some of the best emotional sms then you are at the correct page. Our collection is fresh and new for you. It's updated now 2019.

Top 20 Emotional Sms in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Emotional Sms in Hindi 2019

Majbur Mohabbat Jataa Na Saky,
Jakham Khate Rahe Kesi Ko Batana Na Saky,
Chahaton Ki Had Tak Chaha Usy,
Sirf Apna Dil Nikal Kr Usy Dikha Na Saky.

You’ll Just Never 9,
So Many Emotions,
I Choose Not 2 Show.

Waqt Ki Yaari to Sab Hi Karty Hain.
Maza to Tb Hay Waqt Badal Jaye.
Par Yaar Na Badlay.

It Hurts the Most When the Person That
Made You Feel Special Yesterday Can Make
You Feel Unwanted Today.

Pyar Ki Vo Mishal Banenge Hum
Khud Se Bhi Jyada Pyar Karenge Hum
Yaade Itni Bhar Denge Aapke Dil Me Ki
Khud Se Pahele Yaad Aayenge Hum

No One Has Ever Loved Me, I Was Left Behind.
I Only Want One Thing and One Thing Alone. I Want
Someone to Love Me Like the Way I Would Love Them.

Loving Yourself Is Common,
But, Caring for Someone Can Be Magnanimous,
B-coz, You Might Not Remember a Small Act of Caring,
But, it Might Be the Brightest Moment in Someone′s Life.

You’ll Just Never Know,
Soo Many Emotions,
I Choose Not to Show.

9.Sometimes I Cry Just to Hear You,
Tell Me It’ll All Be Okay.

Agar Itni Nafrat Hai Ham Se to
Ek Sachy Dil Se Aisi Dua Kar Do,
K Tumhari Dua Bhi Poori Ho Jae
Or Hamari Zindagi Bhi.

Yeh Mohabat Ka Bandhan Bhi,
Kitna Ajeeb Hota Hy,
Mil Jayei’n Toh Batai’n Lambi Aour Bichar,
Jayei’n Tu Judai Lambi.

Those Who Are ‘special’ Never Go Away,
They Walk Beside Us ‘everyday’,
Unseen, Unheard, Still Near,
Still Special, Still Missed,
And Still Very Dear.

Raiza Raiza Hai Mera Aks,
Magar Hairat Ye Hai,
Mera Aaina Salamat Hai,
To Phir Toota Kya Hai.

Every One Want Happiness,
No Needs Pain,
But It's Not Possible to Get a Rainbow Without a Little Rain.

Hamara Haq Tu Nahi Hy
Phir Bhi Yeh Tum Sy Kehty
Zingadi Tum Ly Lo Mgr Udas
Mat Raha Karo..

Main Nhe Itna Ghafil
K Apne Chahne Walon Ko
Bhool Jaon,
Peeta Zaror Hon Lekin
Thori Dair Yadon Ko
Sulane K Liay.

You Put the Fun in Together,
The Sad in Apart,
The Hope in Tomorrow,
The Joy in My Heart.

Don't Go for Looks,
They Can Deceive,
Don't Go for Wealth,
Even That Fades Away.
Go for Sum1 Who Makes U,
Smile Boz Only a Smile Makes,
A Dark Day Seems Bright.

People Die Younger Because God Loves Them So Much,
You Are Still on Earth,
Because There Is Someone,
Who Loves You More Than God.

Set a Place for Me in Your Heart and Not in Your Mind for the Mind Easily Forgets but the Heart Always Remembers. I Love You.

Related Tags: Top 20 Emotional Sms in Hindi 2019

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