Tuesday 9 April 2019

Top 20 Paulo Coelho Status in Hindi 2019

Paulo Coelho Status in Hindi 2019 here we will provide you some best and special Paulo Coelho Status collection of maa status in hindi which you can easily share with your friends and family! 

Top 20 Paulo Coelho Status in Hindi 2019

Behind the mask of ice that people wear, there beats a heart of fire.

When I had nothing to lose, I had everything. When I stopped being who I am, I found myself.

If I am really a part of your dream, you’ll come back one day.

Anyone who loves in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time.

If you act like a victim, you are likely to be treated as one.

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.

No one can lie, no one can hide anything when he looks directly into someone’s eyes.

None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.

Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.

Stop being yourself and become who u always wanted to be.

It takes a huge effort to free yourself from memory.

God always offers us a second chance in life.

If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid.

One day you will wake up & there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.

Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself and that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.

Never give up. When your heart becomes tired, just walk with your legs – but move on.

Haters are confused admirers who can’t understand why everybody else likes you.

People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.

Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

Top 20 Paulo Coelho Status in Hindi 2019 

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