Wednesday 8 May 2019

Top 50 Eid ul Fitr Cards in English 2019

Eid ul Fitr Cards in English 2019

Top 20 Eid ul Fitr Cards in English 2019

Top 50 Eid Ul Fitr Cards in English 2019 

"Sending you warm wishes on Eid. Remember me in your prayers."

“In every shared smile and laughter; In every silent prayer answered; In every opportunity that comes your way – may Allah bless you immensely! Eid Mubarak”

"May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid! Eid Mubarak!"

"May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid."

"May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak"

"May God give you happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid Mubarak To You All."

"Let this Eid open your mind with new fresh thoughts."

"May Allah's blessings be with you today, tomorrow and always. Eid Mubarak!"

"May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak!"

"May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak"

"Today I pray that- Happiness be at your door, may it knock early, stay late and leave the gift of Allah's Peace,love,joy and good health behind"

"The holy month of Ramadan was celebrated with devotion. Now it's time for Eid. On the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, my best wishes to all." - Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi

"On the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, I extend greetings and good wishes to all my fellow citizens, particularly my Muslim brothers and sisters, in India and abroad,"- Indian President Pranab Mukherjee
Eid al-Fitr 2018: Dates, Images, Greetings, GIFs and Pictures

"May thi Eid bring Fun; Eid bring Happiness, Eid bring God’s endless blessings, Eid brings fresh love…Eid MUBARAK to you and your family"

"When my arms can’t reach people close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers. May Allah’s peace be with you. A very Happy Eid Mubarak to you"

"Wish you and your family the blessings of Allah, the kindness of Allah and help of Allah on this day of Eid. Eid Mubarak!"

"When moon of Eid arises it makes all of us so happy and excited. May all of your times be full of such an amusing excitement and happiness. Happy Eid Day!"

"Eid is a wonderful and nice day to Pray, Care, Love, Smile and Celebrate with one another and to thank Allah for giving us this wonderful day. Eid Mubarak!"

"No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today tomorrow and every day... Eid Mubarak!"

"Eid days are meant to celebrate the goals and the achievements that make you happiest. The ideals you believe in, the dream you love the best. Eid Mubarak!"

"Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid!"

"If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things."

"Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant."

"Those who believed and led a righteous life are the best creatures."

"Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant." -

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves."

“Have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble.

"Those who believed and led a righteous life are the best creatures."

“Allah never changes the condition of people unless they strive to change themselves”

"And the servants of Allah ... are those who walked on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say 'Peace'"

"O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace [Islam]. Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you."

"The taking of one innocent life is like taking all of mankind… and the saving of one life is like saving all of mankind."

"Whoever kills another one without justifiable cause, surely he is killing all of humanity. And whoever saves the life of another one, surely he saves the lives of all of humanity."

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves."

"Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity)."

If someone chooses to eat or drink during the fasting part of the day for any reason, the fast becomes invalid.

If you are sane and healthy and have reached puberty, you must hold the Ramadan fast.

If you are traveling at the time of Ramadan or are sick, you should not observe the fast. However, it needs to be made up at a later date.

If you are a woman and are menstruating or experiencing the post-childbirth bleeding, you should not fast for those days. You must compensate them at a later date.

Muslims also believe that during this holy month, God revealed the first verses of the Quran to Prophet Mohammed.

This fasting is known to strengthen one's relationship with God. Prayers, charity and generosity make the month even more pious.

One of the most important aspects of the Ramadan fast is called niyyah, which means "intention."

This explains that everyone who is observing the Ramadan fast must not simply or accidentally abstain from food. They need to fulfill the requirement of niyyah.

This requirement states that a Muslim must "intend in a heart that fasting is meant to worship Allah."

The intention should not be for dietary or any other reasons. It should only be to dedicate yourself to and worship Allah.

In fact, according to the scriptures, "Whoever does not make niyyah before dawn would not have fasted."

The intention and determination are of great importance during the holy month of Ramadan.

At the end of Ramadan, there is a big three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr, or "the festival of breaking the Fast."

It is celebrated with fervour where they eat meals with family and friends and exchange gift.

There are many rules and regulations for observing the fast of Ramadan.

Eid ul Fitr Cards in English 2019

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